Thursday, November 18, 2021

Gilded Guilt(page-10)

     Robbie loved Tara and his family saw he took care of her very well. Robbie’s mom though seems to think all animals were subhuman and in her squinted prejudiced eyes animals had no souls and no worth in this life and world, Robbie was never embattled with her fixation on God or her ideology, he simply kept quiet since he lived under her roof. He often looked into Tara’s gentle eyes who in return looked back at him, saying, “I know you have a soul, and it's far warmer than any human being.”

     The summer of 1983 was so hot, droughts were across the country, work was steady and the heat was almost tropical, Robbie always brought home a full paycheck and was happy and saving his money. One Friday in late July, he had plans to drink with some friends, he kissed Tara and placed her on his sleeping pad that he and she shared every night, and he told his sisters not to let her out, she's in heat, they nodded their heads as he dashed out the door. 

     Robbie rolled in around two o'clock in the morning, and he walked down the stairs to meet his best friend and he noticed Tara wasn't on his sleeping pad, he was in the full throes of a panic attack now, he hollered out her name that woke the rest of the family, finally, one of his sisters awoke and said she let her out but forgot to let her back in, so, Robbie went outside and screamed for her for an hour, he stayed on the front porch until 4:00 A.M. He thought the worst and started to cry, was too tired so he went back to the basement but he only slept until 7:00 A.M. He immediately got up and started to search for her, he first traveled in his car up and down their narrow lane to see if she was hit and was laying in the road but no animal was found not even a young rabbit. 


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