Friday, November 19, 2021

Gilded Guilt(page-11)



                                                                 Tara’s Death 

     Robbie sulked in worry for three days and nights until his sister said her boyfriend thought he saw her dead on the Bluegrass Parkway but Tara never went near that busy Highway, so, Robbie ran up the steep hill jumped the fence then walked down the inclining hill, and traffic was heavy and hectic, he glanced over and saw her and there she was, his loving Angel, his sweetie, and his everything lying dead in the middle of the road, Robbie immediately started to cry that turned into bawling unstoppable tears, it took everything he had to grab her by her tail because her body was mangled and hit by passing semi-trucks and automobiles, he had to act fast because oncoming traffic was fierce, he dragged her to the ditch and left her there, he couldn't even stomach the courage to bury her, just left her ghost there for eternity. 

     He ran down the hill, and his sister was outside, who immediately asked if it was her, and Robbie was so unstable and shook up with tears, he couldn't even answer her in his voice but managed to get out, “yes, it's her,” then ran for cover in the basement where his refuge of misery and pain became more than he could bear, he went out that night and every night from whenceforth, and drank until he couldn't feel the pain, he hated to come home to that empty basement and the deathly silence of her not being there was more than he could endure, he cursed God, then laughed at this God, realized this God wasn't even there. Then he turned on his family, his sisters killed every living creature he loved, they were and continue to live in their vanity bubbled worlds, their hate for animals especially ones attached to someone dear meant and means nothing to any one of them, their greed for money and to become someone they'll never be meant more to them than their own blood family, their egotistical worlds were delusional cloud castles, they call themselves Christians who never read one page of their drill book of parables, psalms, and gospels. That day he cut all ties with them and their phony worlds. 


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