Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Gilded Guilt(page-9)


     Tara limped around the basement for two weeks, again, she made a full recovery, but she saw the benefits of feigning her injury further down the road, she healed and now her injury was more psychosomatic than anything, but she saw the advantage of acting it out because Tara loved to be pampered, spoiled, and loved. She was a smart creature but not smart enough to stay off the road and away from traffic, and this concerned Robbie. 

     Robbie also was concerned that his sisters for whom years before Tara were so despondent and aided in the killing of his prized and loving baby goat while he was away working in the eastern Kentucky mountains on bridges, the goat’s name was Flip,  and if Flip was entangled or thirsty, he'd bellow out all night like a baby lamb, you could hear him from inside the house too, and for five days these pathetic sisters couldn't untangle his little loving goat and see he had water that he drank from a 5-gallon bucket that just took a minute out of their day, one minute, and when Robbie came home from the mountains he found his goat strangled to death, stiff, dead and his eyes were opened, he wanted to live, he was a great baby goat, but Robbie’s sisters never even bothered to free the rope from his tiny neck, nor bothered to water him after Robbie paid them each in cash to water and untangle him every day, they were so wrapped up in their own egotistical worlds they simply only cared for themselves, and they still call themselves Christians, they're all hypocritical pagans, Robbie from then on and still has no use for any of them, they could all rot in Hell, he couldn't care any less. He can still envision Flip’s cry for help all through the night, which never came. 

    Robbie was worried that in spite they'd let Tara outside when he was away partying on the weekends, he didn't trust any of his sisters, they were evil in every sense and pretense of the word. They only looked out for themselves, they were all petty, greedy, and ignorant, he just had no use for any of them, they had disregard for any life but their own. They were all avarice, ambitious, and sought one thing, and that was to be somebody they'll never be in a billion years. Robbie soon would sever all ties with them all, forever, one day, very soon. 


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