Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Bluegrass Tavern(Chapter 8)


                                               Wayne “Pinky” McMichael         

                                                       Chapter 8

     Wayne “Pinky” McMichael was an established bar patron at Joe’s since the beginning of time, like many who walked through the doors at Joe’s was fresh out of the Military, he had curly hair that equaled Shirley Temple, though Pinky could shoot pool, and never played with tiddlywinks, high stakes, he used to play for $100 a game, and won. He was a very generous man too and bought drinks for the mob of swill drinkers who wouldn't give him a look back much less a thank you, but that was the pure Irish in him. His karma was instant access to love, he saw the world in HD while others saw it in black and white, he wasn't methodical in any elaborate scheme, just a kind loving man who loved his cold refreshing mug of beer after a long day working in construction. 

     I got to know him at the epic card games we played at the Tavern on Friday nights, he loved his Budweisers, not Bud Light, and we carried on too, laughing and chugging beer like it was in short supply, Pinky could drink a keg and maintain a conversation, his witticisms were an asset that broke the ice, and he was a Micawber, who believed everything was an eternal joke, so drink up and worry about the next day when it comes. 

     Pinky was a loner too, you can tell a woman or two broke him literally and spiritually, or that's my assumption, maybe not. But, he sat many times at the bar drinking by himself and with gratifying contentment, 

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