Monday, June 24, 2019

The Last Duke Of Kentucky(pg. 4)

     Now, there were some characters too that hanged around and fraternized in our inner circles, many clowns, ladies of easy persuasion, and some who looked like a steamroller ran over them and then backed up on them with a bulldozer and had eyes that were so sunken in their heads they looked like they were peeping out of a Hubble Telescope the other way. The owner of the Bluegrass Tavern was Joe Lawrence, and he was a great and faithful bartender as well, the man loved his weed too, yet was a great guy, who once saw a man get his brains splattered all over his bar by a killer with a .44 and this shook him up for quite some time, for no one forgets a tragedy like this. 
     I saw many fights that go with hanging around with drunken people, but Joe Lawrence nipped many fights in the bud before they got out of hand, but many were outside and in the dark, this man who thought he was a boxer messed with the wrong dude one night, I thought the man killed the supposed boxer into submission, he really beat him severely, but I grabbed the man off him realizing the man was unconscious, but the man tried me, but I said in defense, "look sir, he's knocked out, do you want to kill him?"He came to his senses and I let the injured man up, and then led the man to his car, thank God his friend got him to safety. I learn to fight by a black man who was a golden glove boxer in the army, so when it was time for me to fight, well I could and I rarely ever got hit because quickness and where to hit a man was the key, shots to the temple or a nose shot usually brought the end to any fight. 
     I also frequent another lounge across the river called Boots N Bourbon, a nice nightclub where music was played by real musicians, and ladies loved that, they loved bodies brushed up against them on those hot nights, and I always snagged the prettiest lady in there, but late one night in came Joey Hilton, drunk on whiskey, and he was looking for trouble, immediately he knocked a bouncer out cold, then another, the bartender called the police, and I walked up to Joey and said, "hey, calm down!" He then knocked me over a chair that bent the chair opposite of the way it normally bends, I took the shot without getting knocked out cold, but Lord I  hurt for three weeks after that in my back. Joey walked out and how he managed to stay out of jail over that is still a mystery to me. 


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