Friday, May 31, 2019

The Little People(pg. 3)

     I thought also, Lord a little intervention here would be helpful but nothing came from my terse prayer, my dear God, what did he take I thought? I notice he was out of liquor, but he would not let me leave the room, so I improvised and attacked these invisible little creatures that were terrorizing my poor dad.
     " Hey, get out of here, hey, get out of here, move it!" I then opened the basement door and pretended to corral them all outside and I went all over the basement with this very war cry.
     "Make sure you check in the bathroom, closets, and under my bed!" Dad screamed out still mortified from this ordeal.
     I carefully and methodically went slowly looking everywhere, I even grabbed a broom and swept in sweeping motions under the bed and in the bathroom, and I was hollering too like a madman myself. I was more terror-stricken than he was. I did this close to an hour and was getting exhausted, finally, I looked down at dad and he seemed to settle down.
     "Dad, I got them all, they're all gone and I locked the door, so they'll never be back," I said in an assuring calm voice. 
     I then remembered I had a pint of cheap whiskey in my dash in my car, yes I had this old 1973 Vega, but it was one of the best cars I've ever owned. I walked outside and grabbed it and handed to my dad who immediately guzzled down nearly all of it with one swig. Back in those days, any teenager could get any liquor you wanted as long as you bought the person who purchased it for you a bottle too. Now, the law forbids it. 
     Dad fell back to sleep, he was calm for now, but for how long I thought? I waited for mom to come home and I went over with her in detail what happened, and explained each nightmarish and horrific episode. I was still quite shaken up by this agony. 
     "Tim, your poor dad was going through DTs," mom said in a reassuring voice.
     "What's that?" 
     "It's called Delirium Tremens, it's caused by a withdrawal from alcohol. They go into hallucinations that seem very real to them." Mom said in her ever calming composure.
     "But, he kept saying they were going to kill him, these little men with bow and arrows," I said in awe and disbelief. 


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