Sunday, January 6, 2019

Who Is This Master Of Mice?

Who is this god who rules our fate, and
who spares no man and no living thing? 
We are mere mortar to his pestle, there
are no ledgers to keep his omni-genocide;
he has scored atrocities bigger than any
tyrant, king, or despot, he loves mind
torture like some mad sadist, we are but 
mice to his yielding power, we are impotent 
to his horrid killings, one-by-one we all 
fall to his sword, he strikes without any 
warning, he loathes us mortals like an 
ant despises water.
How many more worlds does he own?
He wants penance served like a warrant
to ransom, he's never held in contempt,
he wants adulation and endless gratitude, 
he reprieves no one who does not kneel 
before him, he holds a check upon our
daily lives and there's no escape this
charade of cat and mouse, for we are not
qualified or required to be judges, for there
are no laws to judge this god of his crimes;
wherein death suffering only begins. 

- John Hardesty 

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