Thursday, January 3, 2019


A Tantalus tale-
gods don't dine upon mortals
they just rip hearts out. 

* At the House of Atreus, was a king named Lydia, for whom had a child named Tantalus, who brought upon himself the most despicable punishment by a most despicable deed, but he was
Zeus' favorite mortal, and had privileges few mortals had, and his most privilege was an
honored mortal to eat at the table of the Gods, but Tantalus despised them all, so he plotted
a plan; he killed and boiled his son, Pelops, and then served him up to the banquet of the Gods,
but you can't fool Olympians, they knew immediately, backed away from the table, and their
anger grew and turned upon Tantalus, they couldn't kill Zeus' favorite mortal but declared 
Tantalus an arch-sinner, and placed him by a gleaming pool in Hades, and whenever Tantalus 
became thirsty, he would bend to drink from the stream, but only have the fresh water to recede, and above him hanged fresh dates and golden apples, and figs, but each time he tried to
reach for one, they would shrivel and die upon the vine or stem. Thus, giving us the word: Tantalizing. 

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