Monday, December 31, 2018

Aztec Chocolate

I was visiting down in old Mexico
In a small town called Oaxaca, 
When I met this Bandido    
Who was eating a foul-smelling bowl of frijoles;
I was just an ignorant foraneo 
Who was enjoying and listening to the tonadas,
Strumming some old soneto,
The Bandido smiled and gave me something black as coal,
Made from chili peppers called mole
Grilled on an open comal,
For this was called Aztec chocolate,
So, I tasted it, and liquid fire sprung from my tongue,
You could hear me screaming from Cancun,
For it's called Volcano fire
And it will run through you like a pyre;
They said "Ole," with laughing grandiose
And I got into my car and said, "Adios!" 

- John Hardesty( written years ago) 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Bible(Haiku)

The tale of all tales
rehashed, rewritten, and told-
best seller all time. 

- John Hardesty 

Monday, December 24, 2018


Ode to thee great seed
that split the atom of life;
Godfather of plants. 

* Johann Wolfgang von Goethe suggested
   that all plants came from "one" primitive
   plant called "Urpflanze." Many others like
   Charles Darwin, Josiah Wedgewood, and 
   even Benjamin Franklin all incorporated
   these similar ideas. 

  - John Hardesty 

Midnight Blues

Do you ever feel the pale tone of midnight's gloom?
The way it suffocates and takes the air out of the room;
That twinge that leaves you in a state of complete void,
The heartache of loss and thoughts you can't avoid;
Is it the Divine Creature's tool of defense?
To make us mortals inferior to His recompense? 
O that feeling hits me in the saddest part of the year,
When memories huddle in good cheer,
So when my eyes may look in a distant view,
It's because my pain won't wane from you,
I list my deeds and paid my dues,
But, heartache forever endears these midnight blues. 

- John Hardesty 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Quip # 77

God: They(humans) only phone Me when they need me.

Me: They cut my phone service! 

-  John Hardesty 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Ten Days From Home

Worrisome travel adrift at sea
  Weather bitten, torn from doubt
Of returning to my home
  Where Penelope waits for me.

Isles of the western wind
  Broken ship have left null
Of promise and hope
  Of sailing homeward again.

Captain assures as Polaris' dome
  That shines brightly
In the Northern sky
  We're only ten days from home.

Ten years have passed
  Since my eyes have held
My beloved and her soil
  That lies upon the darken cast.

Many isles and ports we shall roam
  While waiting for her wind
To free us from this spell
  For we're only ten days from home.

* The great Odysseus reputedly said to his crew(for whom all would succumb to the sea, save
Odysseus), before the god Poseidon released him from his treacherous trek.

- John Hardesty 

Sunday, December 16, 2018


The bloodiest war
in Gettysburg, nursing crows
consoled the dying.

by John Hardesty 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Giant Killer(Haiku)

Beyond Nephilim
in the land of giants and kings
Joshua obeyed.

* King Og of Bashan and Raphaim(his bed was 9 cubits long,
   equivalent to 13 feet) were giants, God told Joshua to destroy
   the whole race of giants, and he did. Isaac Asimov and Gene
   Roddenberry entertained these stories, once on an episode of 
   Star Trek and through Asimov's stories as well. Giants once
   walked and ruled our planet, the Bible documents this as well.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


When you come to a wall,
you scale it,

When you come to a mountain,
you climb it,

When you come to an ocean,
you sail it,

When you come to a jungle,
you explore it,

When you come to a forest,
you level it,

When you come to a universe,
you trek it,

When you come to a war,
you conquer it,

When you come to death's impasse,
you do not pass beyond it.

- John Hardesty 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


The commodities of oddities
And the ledger of life's anomalies,
The expression, fish out of the water,
Or calling a shark a martyr,
Never saw a bird afraid of heights,
Or a blind hawk that missed its swipe,
Never saw a cowardly lion,
Or a gazelle just give up without trying,
Never saw a deaf squirrel,
Or a groundhog that wouldn't burrow,
Never saw a dog that didn't bark,
Or a featherless meadowlark,
Never saw a cat that didn't nap,
Or a flounder that wasn't flat,
The commodities of oddities,
And the ledger of life's anomalies. 

- John Hardesty 

The New Baal-Berith

They hold their high council in secrecy,
For they have no regard for the helpless and poor,
Show no compassion or decency
Only incentives that shower to the rich that pass upon the floor;
For they downtrodden the middle class like squashed grapes,
Squeezing them until they ooze blood,
Their laissez-faire policies openly agape,
Nail the plebian upon the rood;
Glory held her days,
When America stood for all,
Now, battle-worn veterans are badly betrayed,
Who made the ultimate sacrifice only to be named upon some wall,
These crooked politicians never work for the people,
They stomp and pomp their tirades upon their sacred floor,
Who are they kidding, their allegiance is to a higher steeple,
A golden pair of vile demigods who spread propaganda upon every door,
They're evil in every sense of the word,
For whom hide behind a veil,
And kill every living thing leaving only a trail of salt upon this earth,
Sending America all the way to Hell.

-  John Hardesty 

Monday, December 3, 2018


When the spoils of night's passing
impart love's merciless fire,
when eyes veer beyond the vow of trust, 
heighten spirits, lust invoked through 
a wine glass kill and deaden senses,
when flies have lit upon forbidden fruit
all righteousness falls, stale and addled
temptation, discard motive,
folly to melancholy-
the descent to sin,
how warming the pleasure of another's touch,
for we must sometimes make love to another
to prove to ourselves we're still in love
with only one.

- John Hardesty 

The Mornings Are Hell

The mornings bring their misery and reassurance  of my life’s decline, hollow the marrow of life, empty the cup of hope and filled the plate...