Monday, December 31, 2018

Aztec Chocolate

I was visiting down in old Mexico
In a small town called Oaxaca, 
When I met this Bandido    
Who was eating a foul-smelling bowl of frijoles;
I was just an ignorant foraneo 
Who was enjoying and listening to the tonadas,
Strumming some old soneto,
The Bandido smiled and gave me something black as coal,
Made from chili peppers called mole
Grilled on an open comal,
For this was called Aztec chocolate,
So, I tasted it, and liquid fire sprung from my tongue,
You could hear me screaming from Cancun,
For it's called Volcano fire
And it will run through you like a pyre;
They said "Ole," with laughing grandiose
And I got into my car and said, "Adios!" 

- John Hardesty( written years ago) 

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