Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Pawns Against A King


              Though I traipse in the transient sunlight
              an espy away from tragedy, the bite of pallor
              still tinge with resentment, 
              money, the puerile joke of all kings, 
              servitude, the solemn travesty of all slaves;
              the bending bond that separates the classes
              is but one cauldron away from revolution,
              no living human being is an elitist over another,
              alas, ingested pogroms, mass genocide, and 
              religious proclamations upon the meek, 
              tailored and tempered to enslave the powerless
              forever, America is dying from the hands of the 
              greedy, Oligarchy will never sustain their hold
              upon an armed nation, this golden cow called
              a president is one deal away from revolution, 
              America will never allow Russia to dictate our
              Freedom, never, we'll burn it all down to the
              ground before some tyrant rules our Land of 
                                 - John Hardesty

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