Friday, January 27, 2023


No sunlight enters the window

or upon my soul today though a squinting 

glare fights to intrude above the lambrequin; 

fond memories conjure the good from the bad 

and untangle the ignominious and ill-fated 

aspirations from relinquished dreams, now, 

this constant dredge and braying of torture 

hold me and suppress me to the point of 

no return to normality, the night steals 

every conjured dream with wanton worry, death 

won't forgive those who humble the ghosts and my 

friends seek sanctuary in fables, yet, I just want 

refuge from this leaseholder of souls, supine thoughts 

stream through this drollery of tragedy, this journal 

ends soon. 

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Hardesty’s Psalms

Fascism  Beware of the fascist wolf; He dresses up as an American professing his patriotism while ripping the heart out of Democracy!