Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The New Baal-Berith

They hold their high council in secrecy,
For they have no regard for the helpless and poor,
Show no compassion or decency
Only incentives that shower to the rich that pass upon the floor;
For they downtrodden the middle class like squashed grapes,
Squeezing them until they ooze blood,
Their laissez-faire policies openly agape,
Nail the plebian upon the rood;
Glory held her days,
When America stood for all,
Now, battle-worn veterans are badly betrayed,
Who made the ultimate sacrifice only to be named upon some wall,
These crooked politicians never work for the people,
They stomp and pomp their tirades upon their sacred floor,
Who are they kidding, their allegiance is to a higher steeple,
A golden pair of vile demigods who spread propaganda upon every door,
They're evil in every sense of the word,
For whom hide behind a veil,
And kill every living thing leaving only a trail of salt upon this earth,
Sending America all the way to Hell.

-  John Hardesty 

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Hardesty’s Psalms

Fascism  Beware of the fascist wolf; He dresses up as an American professing his patriotism while ripping the heart out of Democracy!