Tuesday, November 6, 2018


A teacher mopes alone with her students
as the classic marm invoking the limitations
of her basic knowledge.

The junkie or drug addict sits marooned with
a spoon, never accepting the imminent death of 
all who enter this doorway of sickness and suicide.

The policeman who appears as a godly saint comes
home only to batter and abuse his beautiful wife to
unconsciousness then accepts the Medal of Honor
in shame.

The minister who praises God by day and lauds Satan 
by night raping and sexually molesting innocent children,
all in the guise of monstrosity.

The Politician in humble pie expressionism comforts
the hurting and hopeless mass, promising change yet,
the only change is your money into his hands.

The artist paints his canvas in lavish colors and you see
the magnificent depth of a genius, but the artist's suffering
is shadowed and besmeared in blood.

- John Hardesty 

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Hardesty’s Psalms

Fascism  Beware of the fascist wolf; He dresses up as an American professing his patriotism while ripping the heart out of Democracy!