Sunday, October 14, 2018

Arbeit Macht Frei(Haiku)

Concentration camps 
salted Nazi Germany
with atrocity. 

- John Hardesty 

Arbeit Macht Frei(German slogan): Work sets you free.
The title or slogan hanged upon every entrance to these
evil concentration camps.

Extermination Camps(Over 5,000)

Auschwitz-Birkenau(Poland)- 1,000,000 out of 6,000,000 arrivals died.

Belzec(Poland)- 434,508 died.

Chelmno(Kulmhof Poland)- 152,000 died.

Jasenovac(Croatia)- 99,000 children died.

Sajmiste(Serbia)- 23,000- 47,000 died.

Sorbibor(Poland) - 200,000 died.

Treblinka(Poland)- 870,000 died. 

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Hardesty’s Psalms

Fascism  Beware of the fascist wolf; He dresses up as an American professing his patriotism while ripping the heart out of Democracy!