Monday, July 17, 2023

Fuck God

Where was God when my Mom’s best friend’s son was killed in Vietnam? 

God had 4 million children starve to death that morning in January, 

He had no time for rescuing some soldier in a foreign land,

Now, his 21-year-old bones lie under a stark cross in a forgotten cemetery. 

Where was God when my dad took his own life?  

Oh, He was too busy burning down someone’s abode

And, left only some hypocritical Bible standing in the aftermath, 

While my dad went to eternal sleep in that descending zipcode. 

Where was God when he stole my best friend in my youth? 

Oh, He captured the Lombardi Trophy for the Raiders,

With a last-minute drive and touchdown, 

Left my buddy to die as a consequential crusader. 

Where was God when he killed my other friend in a car wreck?

A decent man who had three small children,

Left a widowed wife in lonely despair, 

And his parents were guilt-ridden. 

Where was God when my mom suffered a horrible death? 

As she lay in agonizing misery for six months,

Went blind and lost all hope, 

No God answered her dying grunts. 

Where was your God when Hitler torched the Hebes? 

The monster who overshadowed Satan himself with pride,

Sieg Heil to the newborn king,

A proud nation wilts to regicide. 

Where is your God when you need him the most?

Nowhere, my good friend,

Because he's a delusion that you've chased

To the end of the world and will never comprehend. 

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