Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Eden in Hell-3

     Huck’s background in engineering helped him solve everyday problems. He cleverly Jerry-rigged a transistor radio from maroon scattered debris of various equipment they found along their journey. One morning Dwayne stumbled upon an old CD player that was over 70 years old with an odd assortment of musical discs from various dead and forgotten Artists. He carried with him a portable solar-panel electrical adapter that had several plug-ins. He fired up that old CD player and it blared out an old song from Pink Floyd, Shine On You Crazy Diamond; Dwayne immediately went back to his old university, and reminiscences soon plunder his ageless mind, and the time he met his wife, who turned him on to the old and forgotten musicians. He almost broke down in tears.

     Huck shouted out, “Damn, I loved that song!” He too was a musical lover of the decadence where arenas were once filled with bands and love before the wave of death viruses hit. 

     “I know, ain't it sublime?” Dwayne said with complete sadness because that world and time are no longer in existence. 

     “We better head toward the woods.”  Huck saw clouds of smoke coming from some vacant part of the city which meant infected humans. 

    Dwayne turned down the CD player, picked up and dusted off the twenty or so CDs and tucked them all in his backpack, and headed toward the wooded horizon. 

     Huck noticed the slightly compartmentalized tone of Dwayne’s voice and knew there was no time for weakness, they had an agenda and there was no time for mistakes. Death was always millimeters away. Nighttime was approaching and they had no food or provisions to nourish themselves. 

     Dwayne looked at Huck and said, “I guess it's Alice’s empty kitchen tonight, isn't it?”

      Both in unison cuckolded out a laugh heard for miles. When you're weak and hungry the body makes reparations to ward off the shock. These were trying times that no institute can train you to adjust to or survive from the retributions of death. 


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