Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Eden in Hell-2

           Dwayne lost his family of four, a wife and 3 little girls, to the last global pandemic, the deadly virus of 2056 called Javari-01 that came out of the unexplored jungles of the Amazon. This virus swiped his family in 3 days and would have delivered him this fatal blow too if he wasn't away for 6 months working on a virus-resistant plant he and his partner were working on for years. Now, ghost towns stretch across the country, and many are ungovernable, unkept, and desolate. Huck and Dwayne met years ago while working together, Huck was an engineer helping out on virus-free sealed domes, for he too lost his family, a wife of 20 years, and 2 sons, not from any virus but from scavengers and renegades who murdered them for food and water. While both men have succumbed to tragedies, neither one ever talked about it. 

            Dwayne was peering out the window that overlooked the shambled and dead-forsaken town, they found an unravished bunker filled with tin food and expired drinking water, yet luckily it was all virus-free. Dwayne carried the blueprints of his bio-engineered virus-free plant food in the canister his wife gave to him on his 40th birthday, and he planned to utilize his company's laboratory located in California to finish up his work and possibly save mankind. The present time was staying away from the radical and armed militia that rarely bargained for anything other than food and water. 

          Our earth gave way, it was dying to put it mildly, and after years and years of drilling out its core to obtain antiquated fossil fuel, the fracking, the spills, and the drilling just fractured her globally, every water aquifer and water table was saturated and contaminated with oil residue of some sort and not to mention the deep mining of ores depleted her belly to fight back, the Earth’s oceans were littered with so much plastic there were miles and miles of it, mountains of plastic were forming, and the ozone was so thin you couldn't stay in the South too long due to the humidity and ultraviolet rays, the sun toasted every animal to a crisp, unless you were a desert-dwelling critter you were history. The only visible green life left was guarded by the Government. Beyond that, it was dog eat dog, every man for himself, if you were weakminded you perished quickly, and religion became obsolete and laughable, what caring God destroys his own Eden?    




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