Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Hondo(page-10)


       Hondo and Tim bought tickets to see the rock group Molly Hatchet at Rupp Arena in Lexington. It was in the dead of winter when Kentucky always got dumped on by feet of snow not inches but the concert didn't cancel for some odd reason, but they loaded up in their dad’s Volkswagen Beetle and traversed to Lexington which was 60 miles away, but fortunate for them the Bluegrass Parkway was a straight stretch yet the roads were not plowed as they do now, rarely saw a state truck on the road in a dead blizzard back then, not a trace. Hondo got them there in one piece. They reached Lexington and made it on time even though they missed the first set of the local homegrown group called Exile who had a number one hit, Kiss You All Over, and miraculously saw them close their show with it. Then their group Molly Hatchet came on stage who Tim would later on in life meet the lead singer Danny Joe Brown of Molly Hatchet in person and shook his hand and also managed to meet up with .38 Special in Jacksonville, Florida who was the hottest band in the 1980s, where he became good friends with their road manager called Dino and their drummer Steve Brookins, who Tim won a fifty-dollar bet from Steve that he couldn't throw a football in the St. John’s River from Dino’s backyard mansion, it was 55 yards, they measured it, Tim took three steps and the ball was a tight spiral and nice arc and then splashdown, the football hit the St. John’s River, they were all in awe, Steve paid Tim and he immediately got respect, now they called Tim, Doug Flutey, after that, which Tim had that story backed up many times by his great friend Paul O’Bryan who sadly passed away this year, but Paul told them all. 

       Hondo and Tim grew apart by Tim’s marriage who later divorced and dispersed job locations yet stayed in touch with each other and their beloved little brother Jim(James Louis III) who attended EKU(Eastern Kentucky University), but every year while his brother was enrolled at EKU, Tim rode to Louisville and picked up Hondo and traveled all the way to Richmond to watch EKU’s very exciting Homecoming game, because Roy Kidd never lost a home game or many in his tenure at EKU, Tim saved their ticket stubs and they were EKU versus Georgia Southern at Roy Kidd Stadium on October 05, 1991, EKU eked out a win,  their very first game together and it really was an enjoyable game, they all managed to sat in front of EKU’s top linebacker’s sister who was so hot, she gave high-fives to all them after each defensive play, her brother had 5 sacks when they needed it too, an intense game, Georgia Southern was a powerhouse back then too, the following year on September 26, 1992, three days before their mlittle brother’s birthday(29th), the traditional migration was to Roy Kidd stadium versus Tennessee Tech who was awesome that year but EKU managed to win another squeaker! 

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