Monday, April 12, 2021

The Hondo(page-3)


       Now, this wasn’t over with Kevin, but first Tim elucidated to their father what took place, explaining to him that their dad’s hired help, two Abbot boys, wouldn’t take Kevin back to the garage where they were staying and living while their home was being built before an unexpected fire that destroyed the nice home to ashes. Joe, their dad, was irate and roiling over in anger after what took place and left his son to die without lifting a finger, their dad paid them and told them to never come back unless they want buckshot in their asses. 

       Kevin improved somewhat but the doctors had no clue or factor what was ailing him, it was late in his teens when they finally found out he had a neurological disorder very similar to Multiple Sclerosis, his plight had just begun, but nothing was going to stop the Hondo and nothing has since, where many would've given up and withdrew from life the Hondo mustered on like some warrior who was bilked out of his kingdom in life, he managed to land a job at the United States Postal Service after graduating from college with “two” degrees, and being the top tier of his class with the highest honors and awards. 

       Kevin lived in Louisville and worked at various Post Offices there and managing to live without any problems until one day, his rural route was upended by some nosey complaints by several who called in about a route carrier who was drunk every day who was tripping and falling around from house to house, so, the USPS gave no warning and fired him on the spot without prejudice, but one thing, Kevin never drank a drop of alcohol, not a taste. He immediately got an attorney and moved back in with his mother and family in Bardstown, but their dad died and they buried their father in 1982 on January 3. He died on New Year's Eve. 

       Kevin became depressed, and who could blame him? But, Tim his brother always helped him, no matter what circumstances or dire afflictions occurred, he hated that his brother was robbed of a healthy life and lifestyle, now, it was him to show Kevin love and deep understanding. A few years have passed, courts slow-walked his case but his mother took off from her work that morning and drove him to the United States Courthouse in Louisville, and the High Court  rejected the USPS case without any reason other than they had their chance to find Kevin's internal problem when they administered their physical and psychological tests, they awarded Kevin over $250,000. Mom and Kevin came home with the good news elated to the high moon, telling the family all this great news, God was great that day. 



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