Friday, September 11, 2020

The Race Home(short story-page 9)


          My dad told me once before he died that if you ever meet or encounter a Blue Racer snake that very snake will follow you all way back home. I pondered this for several weeks but the snake never threatened me or our family yet if my mom ever found out that a 14-foot snake was living in her house in the basement she would have a cardiac arrest so, I had to kill this snake, and who knows if it's a female or male, there could be thousands more, I had a major dilemma upon my worried hands. One day I was coming outside, and there it was the 14-foot racer just sunning like some rock star on a beach but on a rock, in a split second, I ran inside and reached for my trusted 12-gauge shotgun and loaded it up and ran on the back porch and the snake saw me and it took off so fast I barely got a decent shot off, just wasn't enough time, that snake was super quick, like a Black Mamba. Damn, I missed and knew I was dealing with an incredible snake. 

         The summer went by so quickly, there's never enough time in the summer for our dreams to become realities in a small town where young men grow old quickly without the luxuries and indulgences of a young boy deprived of his inspirational goals. I was a man who lived in the moment and opportunities seldom come to those who are passive and not quick to act. You see, you grab, or you live with nothing, my mantra. I finally found a job carrying bricks and mortar all day in the hot Kentucky sun, it was a back-breaking job and when I got home I was dead tired, usually went straight to the couch, with my beloved dog right beside me.

          The weekend was near, and I drove my Cutlass Salon, and it was fully loaded back then, air-conditioning, power windows, plush seats, the works, and could out run any automobile. So, I was getting off work and just got paid and wanted to have some fun, but had to come home and clean up, but as I got out of my car I noticed a movement in my left eye on the front lawn, it was that 14-foot racer and he spotted me and took off, I chased him to the corner of the house and down this little mouse hole, it almost sunk in the earth, though, I got my hand on its tail, and I yanked it completely off its bony skeleton and I was so elated, I killed it, but this saddened me too, we had zero mice for almost two years in that basement, now they come in like they own the place in the winter but I can deal with a mouse just not a night stalking serpent that watches me while I sleep.

                                                                The End


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