Friday, April 17, 2020

Silver Dust

They carted you off to the Poseidon Society
without one last goodbye, desperate coping 
allays any doubt of misery and pain you’ve withstood, 
hung my moorings upon some passing cloud of remembrance,
that undisclosed final door, that one exit of no return;
the plight of reason that’ll never reach me in a million
light years, now will have become one dim and dying star of 
inconsolable regret, you have no idea what an unlimited 
significance your tutelage doted upon this meandering 
valiant soul, you were never invidious or insidious to 
anyone, just one graceful, loving, and venerable rugged 
soul, you hung your crest with dignity, wore your fate 
like some noble hero, no one reached your nephesh, there
wasn’t any dissuading or menticide angling, you were your 
own king, you scathed and checked all trouble,
yet, came to me always when I was in need; now, misery flings
her arrows in perfect arc, rarely she misses with her grief, 
I weep like some gelded young lamb for your return, yet, knowing
you’ve ridden far from the perimeter of any reunion, desperation
now girds me with desertion, I wallow in neck-deep tears just to
hear your laughter again, and drown in the deepest sea of sorrow just 
to hear your voice one last time. Adieu my dearest cousin, until the 
silver dust rises again. 

©️ 4/17/2020

-  John Hardesty 

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