Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Prisons Are The Rich Man’s Inns

Man longs to be separated from the goats,
he acquires wealth, fame, and power, this
distance accrued by dispersing his power
and disassembling circumstances, this gilt
of shame first hailed from the land and time
of the pharaohs, one king for many, one law
for all; they adorn themselves in Murex purple,
the color of royalty, all others-slaves-wore rotted
sheepskin; where kings dined on fresh lamb, the
maddening mass ate bone mill and stew; the sculptors
and architects kept their dignity while canvassing their 
dioramas in full panorama; Endogamy assured the 
decline of these self-indulgent Nile kings, inbreeding 
as well as strategic placed apertures of caste upon
the helpless slaves who erected those long-standing and
laborious stone-quarried monuments for these ungrateful 
ill-bred frail kings soon ended; then came High Courts, Law
and Order, Monarchy, Autocracy, Sovereignty, Despotism, and
then segregation and class, Oh, Democracy held firm in all 
fairness, but the rich and powerful overthrew all, they ruled 
all high courts, economy, and land, no investment was greater 
than their prison systems, they simply locked up all of their 

- John Hardesty 

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