Monday, May 13, 2019

Eulogy For A Lost Friend

A eulogy for my friend.

Where did the span and specter of
time go within the hollow springs
of yesteryear? I wait for your return,
God will remember you as He remembers
to cover the Dogwood trees in full immaculate 
bloom, He will draw in the skyline of Kentucky blue, and 
meadows will resound with gilded matins from lonely 
warblers, orioles, and scarce bluebirds, many reckless basses will
vault in their skillful play and defy the lure, even the laughing Mockingjay
will scold you in return; God will furnish you everything imaginable,
and laughter His greatest gift, your journey the sublime of envy,
your life on earth was short but your legacy eternal, your humbleness
shall echo from every mountain top, and from your ancestry shall come 
generation after generation of unending love, you were the golden boy, the
one for whom would never sway from the eternal path of righteousness, yes, 
Oh yes, I will miss you and your memory will never leave me, until God
unites us again, adieu my dearest friend. 

- John Hardesty  

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