Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Last Seat(pg.7)

     Summer came and we both were becoming men where children put away childish things, but Rusty clung to that mysterious book, he thought it gave him power beyond our helpless mortal ware. I thought too, I should've never ventured into that God-forsaken woods and cave that cold day and none of this shit would've happened. Life spins away from us so quickly, this earth has witnessed so much destruction, slaughter, and death. 
     When we were classmates back at St. Thomas school, Rusty and I swore to an oath to each other what was found in that cave was kept in secrecy between ourselves forever, that's a man's membership I held forever, but maybe a promise I should've withdrawn upon.
     I still lucidly recall Rusty sitting in that stone chair anointing himself a king, and I thought the king of what? He sure did change over the years, we both have, but he'll always be my best friend until the day I die. He recited in Latin that very day too, "Qua caro separatur ab animi et lucem tenebras expellit." I know Latin which translated " in which the flesh is separated from the soul, and that expels the darkness of the light," but why did Rusty recite this very quote? Why? 
     Now, time and six degrees of separation between us, we graduated from middle school, onward bound we went to high school, we swore we'd always stay in touch no matter what the sacrifice or consequence have laid before us. But, girls were the new quarry for both of us, and betwixt random school hallway scrambles, I rarely saw my buddy. Our school schedules just didn't match up with each other, I had new stuff that piqued my interest as well, and Rusty played football and basketball. My life as a basketball player was over, I had two jobs after school and never had time, plus I now had a car,  insurance and gas weren't free. I was constantly besieged by the thought that the sun had more plasma than I days left on this earth.
     I would never give up my education, it was my ticket to salvation, I couldn't squander that no matter what laid ahead. I grew up poor compared to Rusty's family, he had the time to play ball and mingle, I did not, where most kids took their summer recess off on vacations and stuff, I worked all summer long. I had two cars before graduating from high school, where most other graduates received their gifts like cars for free I worked and earned mine, I received nothing but a hug from my parents. But, I never complained, because I was forever loved. 


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