Friday, January 18, 2019

The Last Seat(pg.12)

     I later retrieved the book after dinner, where I was totally alone again, I wanted to burn the book but thought best not to because what if the curse would haunt me or destroy my family, so I decided then and there I would bury this book the place Rusty found it. But, first I wanted to know who wrote this dreadful book, so on a rainy day, we never worked in the rain, I headed to the local library. 
     I walked in the library from the downpour and flopped down at the reference section and immediately went to work, I asked the older librarian, " do you know our town's local history?"
     And surprisingly she said, "Yes, I do!"   
     "Who were the earlier settlers here in our town?" I said with prying and scrutinizing eyes.         "Well, there were German, Irish, and French settlements throughout our state." She said so politely.
     "Were there any Vikings in Kentucky?" I said out of left field. 
     "Oh no, they were mostly confined to the east coast." She said in assured voice. 
     "Thanks so much, you've been a great help," I said being grateful. 
      "Oh, no problem, glad I could help," she said smiling as she started to check out a book for the next student in line. 
       Well there it was, headed back to square one, but I peered one more time in the antiquated historian register and noticed a UK professor had found strange and bewildered artifacts and writings in a cave near central Kentucky, for Kentucky was home of the biggest cave in the world called Mammoth Cave, which has been used by cavemen and Indians alike for ages and ages, every county in Kentucky has endless upon thousands of caves, Kentucky sits on a bed of limestone and it's hollow as a bone. This unique UK professor and anthropologist found these eccentric writings on several walls dated back thousands of years, they even found through their data glyphs that predated Columbus. Viking writings and symbols, alas, there it was! 
     I also by chance entered the name in their new computer system, Liber Juratus, and the computer took its time then spat out a name, Liber Juratus Honorii or better known as Honorius of Thebes. I was enchanted to read that this man wrote a book called the Book of Honorius, a book of sworn oaths to save souls, catch thieves, find treasures, and conjure or command demons to exploit magical feats. This book was said to have seals that predated back to King Solomon. My God, there it was, Rusty found that ancient Solomonic grimoire that the Vikings somehow had raided and pillaged from the 13th century or so then sailed to North America, barged down the Ohio River, down to Kentucky River and then into Beechfork River and buried this curse forever yet, unfortunately, Rusty found it. 

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