Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Last Seat(pg.10)

     In my life, I have interluded to that adjacent question we all fear, is there now or the great beyond, the here or the hereafter, an afterlife or eternal death? Does an afterlife exist? Is there another place beyond man's written myth? I have alluded to the question in a variety of thoughts and always end up with the same conclusion and that is I haven't one clue. There's no rationality in subjecting an extension of life, whereas we manifest into an ethereal or lingering ghost in some other plateau or divine plane beyond our governing breaths or do we simply become flecks of dust that blow into the incessant generations of time? Only death will tell or will we be too numb from the transition of life to ever know what hit us? If a man does have this precious gift of infinite continuity, then what? Does he become bored sitting in a place filled with happy and smiling faces every banal day and eventually revolts like Lucifer did in that scheming book called the Bible? Or is this all some fantasy or a misled dream? I guess every one of us will find out this answer in each one's due time. I will leave it to higher intellects to speculate, postulate and contemplate this futility, and may God help us all. 
     Months have passed since Rusty was killed in that awful car wreck, and I had many unanswered questions too, I needed answers now. I adjourned or ventured out one Saturday morning to Alan's home, a dear classmate of ours for whom Rusty shared his home with, I drove up around nine o'clock in the morning, and turned into his driveway, and thought, this was Rusty's last home on this earth. I parked my car in Big Als' concrete driveway and took a long glance at his '69 Chevelle, that boy could build a car from scratch, he had a talent for restoration, he could resurrect clunkers into gems. I knocked on the door three times, then waited, no answer, I knocked again with a thundering fist, waited and still nothing, started to walk slowly back to my car and I heard a door open, and Big Al walked outside and said, "hey, Harvey, what's going on?"
     "Hey Big Al, how ya doing?" I said cautiously. 
     "You do know I work second shift right?" Big Al said rubbing his tired eyes.
     "Yes I knew but wanted to catch up with you on some things, can I come in and talk for a second?" I said almost in a begging tone.
     " Hell yeah, come on in!" He said smiling.
     Now Big Al loved ole Rusty just as much as I did, they lived together, they played football together, dragged cars together, and did everything together. Big Al was a bodybuilder, not an ounce of fat on him, he was ranked 10th in the nation in the WAF(World Armwrestling League),  and thank god he loved me too. 


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