Tuesday, November 20, 2018

All Shall Fall Away

When the trilogy of man's life falls away, so
does his legacy, his words, and his memories. 
He will no longer be what there is to be, no
longer to see what there is to be seen. He will
become an epic trilobite fossilized in stone for 
eternity unless he's pock-marked by academia
or scarred with shameful fame he will cease to  
exist in the modern era; infamy lies carelessly
within the history of words and books, epilogues
of decadence careen through the centuries like
silent prophets, within the heap of forgotten
lore of war, plague, and famine. Man is
immortalized through ink and pen, detested
through time's dagger as tragedy and pendulous
triumph master life only to become its victim
as his blessed children beget the same affliction.

- John Hardesty 

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