Tuesday, October 16, 2018


The nose knows best that smells better than all the rest,
A hound can scent a hare a mile away,
An east coast shark can smell blood from a west coast crest,
An Aardvark can snuff-out an ant at a distant formicary. 

Jimmy Durante sang through his fluted nozzle,
Poor Pinocchio spat lies that grew a wooden snout,
Hidden in the shadows of love, Cyrano de Bergerac's schnozzle,
W.C. Fields' gin-blossomed hooter did the runabout.

A bee's olfactory can globe to a field of nectar, 
A bear raids a garbage can miles from his lair, 
A blind bat feasts upon a swarm of Gypsy moths, an astounding trekker,
An ant can smell table sugar from Algiers.

The nose knows best that smells better than all the rest. 

- John Hardesty 

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