Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Immortality Through A Dead Shell


                              Science many times overwhelm the oppressed fool,
                              he reads and extols upon one book, The Holy Bible
                              and there's where his sophistry ends;
                              he perceives one notion of artlessness and that man's
                              born into immortality from a godless shell is one
                              preposterous and imbecilic thought of ambiguous hyperbole,
                              for man's hierarchy of endless devotion to an ancient
                              paganistic equinox has evolved into some man-to-god
                              contract for an everlasting life is laughable if not one
                              divine interminable joke, and yes, life's filled with 
                              complexity beyond our compliant minds, but until 
                              mankind escapes from our own galaxy and confirm
                              we are all alone, and no other blueprint for life exists,
                              is just ruthless misanthropy; 
                              yet, religion expand their constraint of austerity,
                              chaining man to an affixed sorcery and man will kill
                              for them for that lifeless lie, there's no poetry in dying
                              for a fictional fable. 
                                                         -John Hardesty 

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