Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Fruits of Nothing

Traveling on your escapade

With your humor and wit

Flaunting styles of your last parade

Like some lying hypocrite 

Committed to this last crusade. 

They say to follow the money

And by all rights, it never fails

It will lead you to the honey

But never take a left on the trail

Or you'll not think it’s funny

When you end up in jail. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Dear Racist,

Mom was a hypocrite subtly racist, and an imperfect sanctimonious fake Pietist!! It’s no wonder why Dad drank himself to death. Mom hated Animals too. She hated pets. Dad loved them. Mom was a self-righteous weakened Tartuffe. Her family and Catholic indoctrination made her deprive our family of many things, I missed out on playing any Little League sport because of her laziness and seeing us happy! You forgot, you Sisters sat on your asses every and all Summer, while I and Kevin worked all Summer, and we worked four Summers at Rec Department and 1 year at Sportsman’s Club, then on weekends we had to help Uncle Bert and Uncle Charles with getting out tobacco and putting up hay, every year. No rest or pleasure playing Summer baseball with Rusty and friends, I was too fucking poor, Mom never bought me shit, nor did Dad, I paid my way, and I bought my own winter and summer clothes for school and even paid for my own two cars before graduation! No one gave me SHIT, certainly not Mom and Dad. How did this fair with her? She died in misery from cancer without any God granting her any reprieve. Believing in myths and fairytales doesn't grant anyone a King or Queen to RULE over another PERSON. Fuck Christian Nationalism and all Christians, and Christians have killed more people than Wars and caused many Wars. 

You 4 sisters killed everything I've loved, the first animal you all killed was my beloved baby goat,  Flip. The last animal I had in remembrance of my DAD. I was working on the bridges in Martin, Kentucky, in the Appalachian mountains, building and doing dangerous bridge work, but before I left out of town for each week I gave one of you $20 to water Flip and move him, only to come back and see that my BABY was strangled to death, and I would wager you heard him scream all night until he couldn't, yes, you're ALL beyond evil. I'm sure Mom told you to let him die. Next animal, my dog Tara, I told you all when I left that night to go out, I told you and all, to not let Tara out, she was in heat. Again, my hateful Mother said to leave her out. But, when I came home she didn't come to greet me at the door. I knew she died at that moment. Because you evil Sisters let her out, and three days later only to find her dead on the road. And the next animals, my birds, Boo and Goo, whom I fed and watered for over three years but my landlord made me get rid of them, and I gave them to Kathy, with all the Dos and Don’ts rules, even a book about caring for them and going over about painting her house, take them outside, both birds were dead less than a week. You all are evil. Never want you near me or my dog. Trust me, I have a million things written in my memories of the wrongdoings and evilness you all plagued my whole life. I hate every one of you and have great intentions too. 

In closing, never speak, write, or even inquire about my status. I have no sisters. Fuck every one of you. Leave me alone. 

Dear Racist,


 Dear Racist, 

                         First, I'm excommunicating my racist, homophobic, and bigotry Family that includes, you and your family, Cheryl, Kathy, Hicks Family, and Jim too. I never want to hear from any of you, Mary Jane, and your dumb-fuck racist and homophobic husband, or your uniformed indoctrinated children too, ever again! I do not share your hate, your racism, and your bigotry. I do not share your closed-minded ideologies and your profound ignorance. You all are a threat to me and my dear niece Kelsie because we don't coddle up to Fascists, Homophobes, and Racists like in your family. I don't care what you think that’s in your corrupted simpleton minds, you're all uneducated in every area. 

                        Fuck your husband, Dave, he's one sick, twisted, ill-informed, fascist-loving, racist, bigot, homophobe, sawed-off, and absolutely deranged lunatic. This warning ⚠️ is FOR HIM: if he ever says any threatening word or approaches me AGAIN, I promise, I will put him in a VERY DARK PLACE. I've listened to his bullshit of hate and threatening me every past Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas for over 40 years because I respected the kids. Telling me I have no right to be an Atheist, I live in America and fuck your Christian Nationalism. There's no greater HATE than hypocritical Christian love. But, your kids now are all like you two, bent with internal hate and pretending they love Kelsie but in reality, they hate her, voted in a person who will harm her. So, that Rubicon Bridge burnt completely, I'll never take the high road again, FUCK THAT. Try me, and you've, thankfully, have never seen me go berserk, if Stingray was still living he'd tell you. I'm past negotiating any means of peace. Fuck, David!! 

                      When I die, I will not have any Service, I’m being cremated and my ashes will go directly to KELSIE. I told her never to bring my ashes near to any of you, and this includes, the entire Hicks Family, Kathy, Cheryl, Jim, and your family. I never truly liked any of you personally, because you all were like your racist mother, yes, racist mother! How many Black friends beyond our neighbors growing up did MOM and her racist family ever bring or invite to any reunion or family event? The answer is ZERO. 

Hardesty’s Psalms

Fascism  Beware of the fascist wolf; He dresses up as an American professing his patriotism while ripping the heart out of Democracy!