Friday, January 27, 2023


No sunlight enters the window

or upon my soul today though a squinting 

glare fights to intrude above the lambrequin; 

fond memories conjure the good from the bad 

and untangle the ignominious and ill-fated 

aspirations from relinquished dreams, now, 

this constant dredge and braying of torture 

hold me and suppress me to the point of 

no return to normality, the night steals 

every conjured dream with wanton worry, death 

won't forgive those who humble the ghosts and my 

friends seek sanctuary in fables, yet, I just want 

refuge from this leaseholder of souls, supine thoughts 

stream through this drollery of tragedy, this journal 

ends soon. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Hardesty Proverbs -Smart

 Hardesty Proverbs 

If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in someone’s closet. 

- John Hardesty

Monday, January 16, 2023



Misery loves company, and three’s a crowded fire on a matchstick.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Death Alarms

The clock becomes an ineffective forlorn 
to the dying cancer patient, pain’s maidservant
idly postures an indispensable stronghold, as
morphine respites the rush of aches for an hour
and lulls into peremptory sleep, pallid breaths
and dreams of miracles drought all optimism, 
soiled bedsheets of putrid urine and stained feces 
mock the debilitating sentence, time is but the 
syringe of equable compromise and inherited demise
welcomes the night as the sunlight of the morning 
loll the postponement, all gloom disposes of any 
reconciliation, dispirited desertion, and wringing 
discomfort beckons the allotted hour, the synapse 
of living and dying becomes an abject agonizing 
trepidation, alas, the scoff of death is the sword
of incurable and inveterate scorn, death’s bed is
cold, unwelcoming, and isolated; gratuity’s splendor
withers away all pleasantries, time a reverent enemy, 
surrendering the last pendant of honor becomes 
the mortal rebuke and life’s last mutinous embrace
mocks the golden hour with illusory and agonizing 
abandonment, solicitations to any good or pagan
God sought to assuage disillusionment and grief 
befalls back in an echoing and resounding deathly 
silence, faith’s deceiving and corrupt, there are no
pearly welcoming gates, there are no streets of 
endless glittering gold, only ignominy, and defeat, for
all we love will be loved no more and wretchedness
will fall upon every victim borne unto this world, only
death will secure your place in an urn or reliquary, what
was once squandered shall never by chance again. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Holding Room

There in this place dignity no longer resides

and tenderness and love are but casting 

evasive shadows,  the drunkard and apothec

druggie sit motionless awaiting reprieve, the 

killer’s estate now sprawls over some reserved 

strapped-down gurney; adjacent, lies an unlucky

child who cries for his mother in silence, altered by

reality and circumstance, five souls over, lies the 

greatest lawyer money can buy who now needs more

than any trial could ever acquit, beyond him lays 

the preacher who promises salvation through alms

only to himself; such a wretched lot on a rainy night

and the net is wide with its swipe; Anubis’ glare always 

guarantees and assists peril, the smite God never 

blunders, even the ermine can't burrow an escape 

from its fleeting grasp; this holding place severs

dawn from the night, injustice from righteousness, 

and death from life. Be careful of granted days, 

be wise to caution, and always travel to the light. 

The Mornings Are Hell

The mornings bring their misery and reassurance  of my life’s decline, hollow the marrow of life, empty the cup of hope and filled the plate...