Monday, January 31, 2022

Hills of Raywick

Looking back, past the glimpse of forgotten corn

and wheat fields now abandoned by neglect; O thine

eyes shined so brightly in that gilded passage of yield, 

when willows and bramble abided and conceded to

the cold winds, where frost framed the vestige of standing 

time and snatched the gusting breath away from the

levity of life, there in the nook and cut of Kentucky,

atop eminent steeping and twisting knobs, the pristine breastbone 

of splendor, between the eternal river bend and the hollowness

of epochs stood the glorious town of Raywick, my forever home. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022


The training from an institution that teaches one to

 steal money from another educator. 


Imagination is a cloud dropping rain and the 

glorious light above it.  



The greatest man in history was often the man 

who wrote it. 


An empty mind is always accompanied with an 

empty pocket.  



Time is an element that has no variant other than subtracting 

breaths from fools who believe in an afterlife. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Language of Chaos


Adam spoke Adamic to Eve, Jesus spoke Aramaic 

to primitives who couldn't speak gibberish on 

a Sunday morning, yet, somehow they wrote the 

Holy Bible in full academia, bent and angled proverbs

forever gilded in splendor, thus, enlightens spookism, ravelings 

of refinement, idiolect sprawled over centuries without one 

inconvenience, incongruous, and inconclusive afterthought of 

liable truth, thusly, navigable dogma shuttles through every 

resounding bell tower, minaret, and obelisk, as unbending

unembellished, unerring, and unequivocal validity, this vestige


The Mornings Are Hell

The mornings bring their misery and reassurance  of my life’s decline, hollow the marrow of life, empty the cup of hope and filled the plate...