Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 Docked dreams, dying wisdom 

becomes this fable, damaged by reverie

and mockery, these triflings illuminate

the wantwit cause that ablaze all the 

abject feelings of an afterthought of 

what held this loathing curse in abbreviation, this

unwelcomed cunning guardian diligently moderates this 

catharsis, alas, thy conscience is the eminent conspirator

from whence you hold on for alliance, the foisted ambitions 

to be what others want you to be, not yours; the flutter-tongued

nihilist who’s the Jupiter of your demise awaits for your visit 

home but the fewterer won't chain you again, no more lullabies 

to fend off the loyalists who occupy the toiling of your time, no

more ornamental emotions, and no more pompous fusillades, this

overgarment of life repossess all your rewards and all your

resurrections, your abode of tragedy, your malposed of warmth, your

scoffery of death, all that matters, all that's unknown, and all that's 

unforgiving breathes injuriously out the insignificance you've held 

inside consuming every paroxysmal dream and desire. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Manna from Havana


Ask any Cuban and they'll tell you, “God reigns on the rich, and He pisses on the poor and calls it manna from Havana.” 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

No Truer Savage

There is no animal more savage than the human being, he kills and never eats its prey. 

The Mornings Are Hell

The mornings bring their misery and reassurance  of my life’s decline, hollow the marrow of life, empty the cup of hope and filled the plate...