Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Darkness Hides Away The Light

This disparage falls upon me through the 
long night, seizing discomfort in me, controlling 
me, gripping me, and alluding me to the past; I find
no desire to retread into the gossamers of the savaged
forgone years, yet hopeful this inconsolable passage has
piqued this commandeering captive and will move along 
accordingly, there are no colors within this collaboration of
judicious preemption only black, this strangulation wrangles
and scrambles all uprooted and untethered thoughts of sadness,
though, never pleasant ones, the usual death of a friend evokes this
cruelty, then heedlessly and methodically interrogations ensure the
insomniac night, a cold drink of water will aid the consternation but
hollowness overcomes all, the silent interjections within the lonely 
night is an interlude of my despair, I reject any help and counsel,
I travel lightly within these dying bones, I guess payback is the 
grandfather of misery, intemperance finds refuge all alone, 
where love was abundant now cometh sparingly, but I’ll never 
bend or give up my world for yours. 

- John Hardesty

The Mornings Are Hell

The mornings bring their misery and reassurance  of my life’s decline, hollow the marrow of life, empty the cup of hope and filled the plate...